6 Strategies to Make the Most of a Blah Day

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It’s hard to feel good when you don’t. Some days, blah hits. Whether the cause is physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual, we hit a low point. Enthusiasm? Not so much. Energy? Lacking. Sociability? Heck no.

So what do we do with these days?

The simple answer: Honor the blah. By responding authentically to this type of day we’ll get through it a little easier, and maybe even come out a little stronger or a little wiser on the other side.

This means that we go with what is. We leave off the mask, we feel what is in us to feel and we deal with what is happening. Often these low-energy days have a message for us. They encourage us to slow down, to have some dialogue with our inner self to see what’s up, and give us an opportunity to reflect on what we need.

Here are a few strategies to get the most out of blah days.

 1. Find some silence. Turn off the TV, put down the phone, close the laptop. Let your mind decompress from the busyness of daily life, the ‘have to’s,’ and the ‘shoulds.’ Rest. Connect with the stillness of your soul, listen to your inner self. It will tell you what you need.

 2. Be gentle with yourself. Ok, so you need to go to work or take care of the kids, or whatever. Is there a way to lighten your workload? Can you find an easier pace? Maybe there are some tasks that can wait until another day. Look for ways to simplify. Take the pressure off.

 3. Ask for what you need. Let the people around you know that you need support. Maybe your spouse or a friend could fix dinner. Is there a teenager next door who could take the kids to the park for an hour or so? Most of the time we muscle our way through. Many of us suffer from ‘I-can-handle-it syndrome.’ Life becomes so much simpler when we recognize that we get by with a little help from our friends.

 4. Nourish your body. Often these are the times when we don’t feel much like eating. It is extra important to stay physically nourished with healthy food and lots of water. Fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts, miso soups–consume foods that are easy to digest and gentle to your system. Drink lots of water to flush your system and recharge.

 5. Attend to your emotions. Emotions give us feedback about our life. Are there feelings that are bubbling to the surface? Is there something that needs attention? Is there some past or present experience that is unresolved? Whatever you are feeling is right and good. Sit with it. Feel it. Hear what it is telling you.

 6. Feed your spirit. Whatever it is that makes you feel good, do that. Now, that doesn’t mean a short-term ‘feel good’ that you’ll regret later. Do things that ignite your heart and touch your soul. Spend time with a loved one, enjoy positive memories with a photo album, be inspired by a favorite author or musician or teacher, pray. Think about what gives your life meaning and purpose and joy, and consider how your daily activities align with that.

Life occurs in a cyclical pattern. Like the seasons, some days we are bright and sunny, and some days we are more dark and dreary. Neither is better than the other. They both have their purpose.

Blah will pass. Change is a surety. Whereever you are, all is well. Honor that place.


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